Unit Production Manager

Mathias K. Tom Yew is a third-year film student at Humber College’s Film and Television Production program. He’s been interested in filmmaking since he took Communications Technology in high school, and has been making amateur short films since 2018. Most recently, he was the producer of More Than One and One to Save Eight, two Humber PSAs made in collaboration with Multiple Births Canada and Trillium Gift of Life Network respectively.

Mathias has a longstanding passion for production management, and was recently the production manager for We’ve Never Met, a Humber Capstone film, and produced More Than a Disorder, a short Humber documentary.
Mathias has also found a profound love for the art department, recently being the the SPFX makeup artist for My Little Heart, a Humber Capstone film, the production designer for Between Hands, another Humber Capstone film, the costume designer and SPFX makeup artist for Maybe I Am the Villain, a short independent film, and the art director for Sisterhood, a Humber studio drama.
With many avenues of the industry to explore, Mathias aspires to tell stories that often go unheard. He loves the constant chaos and change of the film world, and is ecstatic to jump into the future.
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